McAllister Lane Buckler

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Elizabeth Parham Buckler

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

True Mommy Confessions

So, did any of you see the Oprah episode from this past Monday?
I didn't see it, but a lot of my friends did, and they have highly recommended that any mommies out there watch it online. There was a panel of moms who made some "confessions" ~ very true, very honest, very real-life.

Apparently, one of those moms confessed to traveling alone with her children, and when she needed to use the restroom, they were sleeping. We all know that if your child is sleeping in the car, you do not under any circumstances wake up him/her! This mom whipped out a diaper and tee-teed in the diaper while she continued to drive. Although I have never done anything quite like that (ah-hem, Elizabeth G.!), I thought it was brilliant and creative. :) However, I do have a few confessions of my own.

I have gone up to 3 days without bathing my children. Three days. (This does not compare to the woman who was overwhelmed with her twins and went three weeks, but still....) Part of this is the fact that it is hard for me to bathe them, depending on how my wrist is feeling that day. Part of it is pure exhaustion. I do bathe myself :) but I do not wash my hair as often as I should. Therefore, I have resorted to wearing baseball caps ~ something that, as most of you know, I have never been known to do.

A lot of times, friends walk into my house and comment on how neat and clean it looks. HA! What they do not realize is that if they were to open a closet (or the laundry room, or the study/guest room), they would get crushed by the junk that would fall out on top of them. Yes, I confess to stashing things places where they will not be seen.

I love to cook! Love it! I love to have "quiet time" with jazz or blues or Buffett playing in the kitchen while I cook. But now with 2 children, that does not happen nearly as often. When it does, it isn't "real" cooking ~ it is a pre-boxed meal, or food heated up from a can. Awful, right? And although I was never one to serve a sandwich as a meal other than lunch, they have been appearing on the supper table more and more often since Boots was born.

I could go on and on with my mommy confessions. I will wear the same jeans for days in a row, and sometimes I will wear the same outfit 2 days in a row, because it was laying out from the previous day, not dirty, and so why not wear it again? (Today is a great example of that!) I used to shave my legs every day and at the most, every other day. I will go a week or more now! Gross, right? I let so many things go that I never thought I would....

I would love to hear from all of you. What are your true mommy confessions?? And please comment! I have been tracking readers on my stat counter, so I know you are out there! I have been surprised to find that this blog is getting anywhere from 15-50 hits a day, from all over the country! I know some of you, and I don't know some of you, but either way, I would love to hear from you!

I will leave you with this, a little poem written by my Mom after keeping the girls for a few days when Brad and I went to New Orleans. :) I think most of you will relate to it:

My hair is straight -
My legs need a shave!
I've had Desitin under
My nails for 3 days!

My coffee gets cold
In the coffee cup -
When one goes "down,"
The other gets "up!"

Three dogs and me
In the bed at night!
But I can't say "no!"
So we all sleep tight.

But when Alli laughs,
And when Boots smiles,
I'm happier than
I've been for a while!

I love my girls!
And I wouldn't miss
A squeal or a giggle,
A hug or a kiss!

Just know, mom and dad,
Though we are apart...
Your two little girls
Own Dede's heart!

Keep on doing the best you can, mommies!!
It's all worth every second of it, isn't it?!
I know that I wouldn't have it any other way! :)


Melody U. said...

I didn't see Oprah either but loved your comments, Britt. I, too, do so many of those same things. To add to the list, I have pulled clothes out of the dirty clothes hamper and put them on my children or myself. Disgusting, Right! I also go out without makeup on a lot. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal but if you know me you know I would NEVER have done that before children. With kids, all bets are off and you do what you have to do. I would not have it any other way.

Andrea Donald said...

I saw Oprah & really urged my girlfriends to watch too! Can't say that I ever taken vicodin or any other drug to get through the day like the mommy on the show did, but I have dipped into the sauce closer to 4'ish instead of 5'ish when the day has been insane! I have also been out in public when I was so appauling that I could haunt a house; I would have never done that before I had a child...NEVER! I also still try to snag naps w/ my child as many days as possible! Oh, the things we do as Mommies!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bucklers!
I follow your blog and love this post! I saw the Oprah episode and can relate and love your comments. I have never gone in a diaper but have gone in a coke bottle. Ew! My closets are the same as yours and like the person who just commented we wear our dirty clothes all of the time too! Keep the great posts coming.
Thanks - Kristy from VA

Anonymous said...

Hi - love the honesty. I do not have kids yet but one on the way and can only imagine what I will be like once he is here. Thank you for the posts. You are always honest and open and down to earth. This is terrific! Lisa, AL

Sarah Bockel Smith said...

Britt, I adore your mom's poem! What a creative lady. You are lucky to have her! I only have one child, but I can relate to everything you said -- and we should not feel guilty at all.

How about this - my child was SOPPING wet with spit-up. You could smell her a mile coming. But, no one was visiting us, and we werent' going anywhere, so I didn't bother to change her clothes. And it's not the first (nor the last time I'll do this)!

Anonymous said...

Miss Britt .... wearing baseball hats! Oh my! I can't even imagine you with one on!? :)
Your blog is super cute and funny. I can relate to many things on your list of what we mommies do. Here's what I do and it is kind of a tip, too, to prevent you from having to wear hats anymore. If I don't have time to wash my hair like I planned...I sprinkle a bit of talcum powder or corn starch in my roots and brush it through. It absorbs the oil and adds "lift." People will never know! Keep up the great work lady! - Ingrid

The Greers said...

you in baseball caps????!!!!???? can't even picture it!!!!! i don't have ANY confessions! I've won "mother of the year" award for 3 years now!!!!!

Leah said...

Hey Britt--
I put the same socks on Witt this morning that he wore yesterday. Now I don't feel so bad! I'll have to try to find that Oprah episode. Another confession--I have taken a Percocet at the end of the day b/c my head hurt, and I had no patience left.

Jessica said...

oh goodness, lets see, I regularly take Maddie Grace through car riders, still in my PJS with a baseball on and no bar, one day I will get caught and god help who it is. Yes I have done wipee baths on Maddie Grace,gross!!!And during baseball season I have been known to grill a hotdog or it chic-fil-a, I dont even like hotdogs!!! And I let her fill up on hummus and pita chips one night, yes that was her supper. Oh, what a mom!!

Robin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin said...

I wish I could remember all the crazy things I did as a young mother. I am sure my girls could come up with a few that would be pretty scary ! I love you blog and catching up with your life. Your children are precious. Lauren, Lucy, and I have blogs..check us out...Jeane Carroll is a junior at MS. State...a Chi Omega and lives in the big white house. Can't believe it was yesterday you were sitting in our Sunday School class. Glad your mom is doing well. My grandmother name is DeeDee ! I thought that was fun that we have the same name..just spelled different. Take care and keep writing...

Carla said...

Okay, so I read this a week ago & shared it with Teresa, who with 5 kids, could relate. We enjoyed the honesty and the comic relief during a long day here.
So here are a few things from the mother of three girls. I frequently warn Casey's teacher to please overlook what she comes to school in. She dresses herself and she thinks she looks fabulous, who cares if it is wrinkled from the floor & does not even match. (I do promise that on field trips, class pictures, & special days she will look fabulous). I frequently do wipee baths for baby Jace, especially during soccer season when we were all running around like crazy! My children frequently eat whatever they like for dinner, especially if Donald is at the station. We go out to eat way too much, which is a habit that I thought would be broken once I worked M-F. HA!!! I let Shelby finish homework at Early Bird so we can stop fighting about getting it finished. I let them watch TV in bed and stay up til the wee hours so I can sleep an extra hour or two on a Saturday morning. I let them jump on trampolines, run in the yard barefoot, and ride death machines (they do have helmets on)! So I may only be mother of the year to those sweet little girls but that's all that matters.
I also frighten people by going out in PJs or workout attire, no makeup & ponytails are way to frequent. Jeans from the hamper frequent my wardrobe as well. A little Downy wrinkle release does miracles! My roots need color weeks before I get around to it. And please don't look at my legs in the winter, when I may go 2 days without shaving my legs.

As always, I love reading the blog! You really should publish a book.

Anonymous said...

I love this! Thank you for your honesty and openness. I feel like I am not alone when I read your blog, even though I just happened to find you through other friends blogs. You have a talent for writing and for being true to yourself and others. Keep up the good work.
As far as confessions go, I have three kids under three including twins that just turned one. Wipee baths are the way to go. I have left spit up in my hair for 2 days because no one could see or smell it and I didnt have time to wash my hair. I have let our dogs lick up spit up off the floor - disgusting - but it was easier than trying to clean it up and deal with a screaming baby at the same time. Moms gotta do what moms gotta do to get by. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

ps - I am the one who left the previous comment. My name is Tracy and I live in Washington state.

The Bucklers said...

Hey everyone!
THANK YOU for all of your comments! Since I wrote this post, the number of hits the blog has gotten has increased to over 100 on many days, and I love to hear from all of you! Keep the comments coming ~ whether you are a friend in "real life" or a "blog-stalker" friend :) I love reading what you have to say. Thanks!!

Karen Hittle said...

Okay, I'll say it. I'm my daughter's official nose picker! I can't be the only one, am I? Larkin's only 11 months old so I can't ask her to blow into a tissue and Brian says that his "fingers are too big" (nice excuse)! I hate seeing her nose clogged with a booger, so I've got to do what I've got to do, thanks to my nicely manicured nails and tiny fingers. At least I wash my hands both before and after, right?! I'm happy that cold season is nearly over... now I just hope that the swine flu doesn't come our way!

Love all of the updates, Britt! Oh, and believe it or not, Larkin's birthday is coming up next month and the theme for her birthday is "balloons". We are actually doing the cupcake balloon idea just like you did for Alli's birthday! The only variation is that we're having each cupcake be its own balloon, instead of grouping them. We're also toying with the idea of using twizzler vines as the balloon strings. Our practice run last weekend wasn't all that pretty, but it let us work out the bugs for the real deal next month. I'll post a picture of ours when we do it!