McAllister Lane Buckler

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Elizabeth Parham Buckler

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Boots' First Hospitalization

Pitiful, right?

Brad and I returned from New Orleans the night of Sunday, February 16. On Monday, Boots began vomiting...badly. We ended up in the emergency room when it turned bilious, of course expecting some sort of intestinal blockage. After bloodwork, x-rays, and ultimately an Upper GI, a blockage was ruled out and our surgery consult canceled. However, she didn't stop vomiting, so she was admitted to the hospital. After a long day, we had an even longer night. She was miserable and inconsolable. I basically sat and held her while she fought the IV lines. She was still sick when we were discharged home, but she got better within a few days. Since then, we have been through allergy testing, but thank goodness nothing was found to be positive. She is doing much better these days. These pictures were taken the morning of the day we got discharged, and her lines had been disconnected. She was so happy to be free!

Brad feeding Boots breakfast ~ doesn't she look tiny?!

Alli Lane visited her baby sister, which seemed to ease her mind. Daddy took her downstairs to McDonald's for a special treat, too!
All of the girls in bed

This was our first experience having a child hospitalized. Of course, Brad and I together have 2 decades of experience working in hospitals.... but even that cannot prepare you for the helplessness you feel when it is your baby, or the loneliness of the night while you try to console a miserable child, both of you exhausted. And when compared to so many children, Boots wasn't even sick. My heart immediately went out to those parents who have chronically ill children....

Thank you, God, for our health and our many, many blessings!


Unknown said...

Poor Baby! Hope she gets to feeling better!

Jessica said...

she does look so tiny I hope that she is feeling much better, never easy to have a sick little one

Unknown said...

Poor sweetie pie...thank goodness she is better now!