McAllister Lane Buckler

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Elizabeth Parham Buckler

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Boots Starts The TODDLERS Class!

It just didn't seem right for Alli Lane to have a post dedicated to her first day of school this year, and not one for Boots, too! :)

These are not pictures from her actual first day, but this is her backpack! :) She loves her backpack and feels so big carrying it around ~ in fact, she often carries it and her lunchbox with her around the house.

Boots is in MDO on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at FBC in the Toddlers classroom. So far, she has followed in AL's footsteps with her teachers, which has been such fun! Last year, she had Barbara and Melanie in "Babies," just like AL. This year, she has Ellen and Sandy in "Toddlers;" by the end of AL's year in their class, I was pregnant with Boots, so they are especially excited for her to be in their class. They say she has a great time, and she tickles them with her frequent, precious belly laughs!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Britt! Boots is so big, I can't believe it!! I hope you guys had great summer, and that your Fall season is off to a great start! It will be fun to keep up with Alli Lane and Boots on your blog (and you guys too of course!)! Miss yall!

~Christina Bridges :)