McAllister Lane Buckler

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Elizabeth Parham Buckler

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, November 16, 2009

Early Fall Photos

This fall has been so incredibly busy that I feel the need to create a new word to describe it, because "busy" seems like a joke compared to what we have been doing. Sometimes I feel like my head is spinning, but through prayer and taking one day at a time (and sometimes, one hour at a time!), we are making it through our seemingly endless list of things to do.

Our house on Springwood Drive (that we have kept as a rental house) is for sale. It is currently under contract, but not after MUCH work and stress and time and money. It has been so difficult ~ keeping it clean and looking good, but also the biggies like putting on a new roof ~ and that is only the beginning! We are also trying to begin to get our current house on Westchester Drive ready to sale by fixing the little things that we have "let go" recently. And of course, our biggest project: building a home in Savannah. This is a fun, exciting step in our lives, but I have decided it is a full time job. LITERALLY. Especially since we don't live there. Brad is moonlighting down there at least once a month, and on those weekends, we also have meetings galore. Then we come back to Augusta, and I run around trying to make hardwood, tile, and other endless selections for the house. Those are our three huge projects of late, and believe it or not, that only scratches the surface.

When we go to Savannah, we are blessed to have the Lewises there, who let us crash at their house. The girls have a blast playing, and we are grateful to have a place to stay. We also love getting to visit with the Moodys, our other good friends there. We are building a house across the street from the Moodys, and there are only 2 houses between us and the Lewises. We just hope they aren't sick of us by the time we actually move next June! :)

Alli Lane and Peyton playing dress up

During our September visit, Ashley and I took the girls to Back River on Tybee for a couple of hours. They had a blast!

For those of you who don't know, the Lewises' girls and our girls are the exact same ages. Lauren and Boots are only 3 weeks apart in age, and Peyton and Alli are only 2 days apart in age. It is perfect for playtime!

When we got there, all 4 girls headed in 4 different directions. No wonder the mommies were exhausted when we left! :)

Watching a movie before naptime in Mommy's bed

We read a Bible story every day before the girls' naps. Boots was ready for story time and naptime that day!

Alli Lane is FOUR :)

And Boots loves to tell everyone that she is ONE. :)

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