McAllister Lane Buckler

Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker

Elizabeth Parham Buckler

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 11, 2008

7 Things About Britt

Okay, so I have been officially "tagged" by Meredith Latimer to do this, so here goes....

1. I get extremely emotional when thinking or talking about Brad and our girls. I don't want to be anywhere but with them ~ all of them ~ all of the time! I remember my Daddy was that way, too; he was happiest when he was with Mom, Keith, and me, and that is exactly how I feel. Although I love it best when we are all together, individually, I love talking and snuggle time with Boots, "Mommy-Alli" time with Alli, and "Date Nights" (at home, or out) with Brad. Thank you God, because I am one of the lucky few who gets to actually live their personal dream!!

2. If I had to pick any actual place in the world to be, it would be the beach ~ specifically, the Florida beaches. I don't care if it is pretty or if the weather is awful, that is where I want to be. I feel refreshed and rejuvenated after being there; I feel closer to God and to my Daddy when I am there. It is my all-time favorite place, and I love sharing that with my little family. Scarlett had Tara; I have the beach.

3. I admire a lot of people in my life, but none more so than my Mom. And for so many reasons. The obvious reason is how she has handled things since we lost my Daddy a little more than 12 years ago now. She has played both roles in mine and Keith's lives, and she has been a tower of strength for our entire family in more ways than I can even put into words. I could go on and on.... But I admire her for less obvious reasons, too. At the top of that list is the type of Christian she is, and the wife and mother she has always been, especially given our "situation" growing up. Obviously, I now am married to a physician, as well, and I "get" the sacrifices she/they had to make because of that. Life is different as a medical wife/family ~ weekends and holidays come and go like any other day of the week; hospitals do not "close" and people are sick 24/7, 365 days of the year; you have little or no control over your schedule; children's events are not a "free pass" for a husband who is on call and has work responsibilities, etc. As much as Daddy was able to be around (because he chose to spend what little time he did have with us), Mom did most things as a "single parent," fully supporting us and our Dad. I really get that now, and I only hope I can do as amazing of a job as she did as a wife and mother.

4. I am anal about really weird things: toilet paper has to go over and not under, flowers grow "up" a bedspread or a pillow, discarded shoes must be side-by-side and on the correct sides, etc. Things like this have the potential to drive me absolutely batty ~ to the point that I have to "fix" them if they aren't "right."

5. I, like Meredith, cannot relax if the house is messy or not clean. It is pointless to try to go to bed at night with dishes in the sink or toys scattered all over the den. Brad has finally begun to understand this, and he now thinks that "relax at home" is almost an oxymoron for me, because I can always find something that "I need to do."

6. I love to act silly with the girls. We will dance around the den, tell funny stories, or make up silly songs. We do the songs a lot ~ they can be about our day, or the book we just read, or Alli going to school, or the girls' names, or whatever ~ they are just silly and fun!

7. I tend to overschedule myself, and that combined with our busy lives means that I have several things that I miss doing these days, but I know I will eventually have the time to do them again. Among those things are my Bible Study (I do it, but I have to do it in "clumps" every few days rather than the daily time I prefer), reading (I am passionate about books), making jewelry, and journaling ~ the last 2 of which are my personal forms of "therapy." :)

So, I guess that is it: 7 things about myself.
Now, I would like to challenge some of you to try this, yourselves!
I especially would like to see Emily Greer, Brandi Turner, Stephanie Brosseau, Holley McWilliams, and Karen Hittle give this a try!! I look forward to reading about you! :)


No Longer Newlyweds. said...

Well, I loved those. Thanks for letting us get to know you better. Do you sell your jewelry?

No Longer Newlyweds. said...

Can't a girl always NEED jewelry? You should post some picture of your most recent pieces....

Thank you on the picture compliment. Obviously, it's from our wedding. I was exhausted. It was over 2 hours into the photo session in 100 degree heat. I layed my head down to rest...and this is what she got a few seconds later!

Anonymous said...

Hey. Just wanted to say what a pleasure it has been to get to see Baby Boots change over the last year. Happy birthday to her today!

Thanks for all of your wit & wisdom. I always love to read your blogs because they are "real" and uplifting!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Brandi Raye Turner said...

Ok, Ok- I'll do it. I promise!! I need to get my bum in gear and catch up on my blogging. Miss you!

The Greers said...

you know i'm a very boring person!!!!!

ml said...

Yay! I'm glad you finally did it!!